So I have a half an hour left of work on this fine Friday afternoon and decided to create an official blog. Yay, for blogs. My job, for the most part is a pretty easy one. I work as a receptionist for a doctor's office. I make fun of the patent's often, both to my co-workers and online in my blogs. I never give away any specific details so all you HIPPA freaks out there can kiss my ass. Besides, I'm a receptionist, how much information do you think I can actually share about these people? Trust me the patent's will never find this blog and get embarrassed about it. Most of them are old and computer illiterate. The other thing I often feel the need to bitch about is the fact that every single Lexus driver is a complete asshole. You may think this is a harsh, over-stated stereotype. It's not. Try to prove me wrong if you must, but somehow I doubt you will ever change my mind.
Other than that, my blogs will be fun and light-hearted. After all, this blog is for amusement purposes only. If all I did was frustrate and depress myself and any readers I may obtain how amusing would that be? I need to release my boredom somehow and this is the outlet I have chosen.
Maybe the next time I write a blog I will actually have a point, but for today I'm just writing until I am able to lock the doors and roll the phone over to the answering service. Lucky you. I'm sure the one thing you wanted to do today was read a stream of random thoughts from some random white girl from Omaha.... Nebraska. Apparently there is an Omaha in Arkansas or Missouri that has a total of about 100 people in it and I don't want to confuse anyone this early in the blogging game. Actually, I don't care if I confuse you, I just wanted to state how unfortunate that there is more than one Omaha in this world and apparently, the other one is somehow worse than the one I'm currently in. And you thought it couldn't get any worse.... well maybe that wasn't your thought, but it was mine. I hate this hell hole.
So, I'm going to end this blog now because it hasn't gone anywhere up to this point. So, now I'm going to change my window clings from pastel flowers and eggs to bright colored suns and moons and other random stuff. I told you I got bored. So bored that I feel the need to decorate my receptionist window with stupid gel clings. Maybe then people won't think that I hate them when they come into the office :)
Enjoy your day.