Now, there would be no reason to deny the fact that I am a bitch. I'm pretty sure I've claimed this title on many occasions. It is my birth right and I wouldn't give it up for the world. I love being a bitch because it allows me to write and speak freely. I love the sarcasm that hangs on every word that I utter because it is my core. As for me being ugly..... well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I must say, sweetie..... have you looked in a mirror recently? The horns growing out of your head have been there for a while and they'll never go away if you don't stop filling your life with bile. I know you are disappointed with your life and the way you look, but you'll never be a beautiful person on the outside until you get rid of the anger seething on the inside. Why do you hate so much? Why do you feel the need to harass someone who is done with you, has been done with you, and is thankful to be done with you? Get over it and grow up.
an·noy·ing (ə-noi'ĭng) adj.
Causing vexation or irritation; troublesome: an annoying cough.
Causing vexation or irritation; troublesome: an annoying cough.
If anything this is the complete definition of you, my dear. Every time you comment on any one's blog this is your definition. You vex everyone else who reads and enjoys Hal's blog and now you're irritating everyone who reads and enjoys my blog. GET A LIFE. I know you have few friends and very little to do in your sadness, but stop ruining the point of the blog world. No one is making you read Hal's blog or making you comment. You do that on your own which makes me wonder why you can't get over what you did. It's okay. He's moved on. I promise.
The point of my blog is not so I can write nasty comments on other people's blogs or even write a blog-letter to someone who has no life and decided to be a canker sore in mine. My blog is for me to write. To be heard. I love to write and I don't like having to be a censor to people who want to comment on my blog. You have made this impossible because you lack in self-worth. I pity you and your sad existence. Please don't bother to comment ever again. It will never make it on my board again. And own up to your comments. We all know who you are. It's just sad that you keep up the charades of anonymous and kevin.
I pray this is the last time I will ever have to write a pointless blog like this, but I still intend to make this a good day.