Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Good Day

For me, with work, it's kind of a toss up with what kind of day its going to be. Mostly it depends on the patients that come in to see us that determine how I feel when I go home.... well, that and the drivers I have to endure on the way home.

I was recently told by the good doctor that we are a service based industry and we need to kiss butt as much as if I was still back at Banana Republic trying to pawn off some God-awful angora argyle sweater to a woman who will never look okay in argyle or angora. Everyone is to be greeted with a smile and a cheerful "hello".... this may seem like a meaningless task to anyone who doesn't know me well. You see, I have issues with being fake. If someone comes into the office with a bad attitude I generally give them attitude right back. If people are being extra weird I usually stare at them with a raised eyebrow until they turn away embarrassed by what they just said or did. Basically I treat our patient's just like I treat everyone else in my life.

No more! According to the boss. Which is fine. I really shouldn't be treating stranger the same way I treat my friends. People who don't understand me tend not to like me right away. I'm okay with that in my personal life, but at work it's best that everyone likes me at least a little so I don't give the office a bad name. Fair enough.

Today, I decided to play off a good attitude like I'm perfectly happy to deal with the stupidity that I'm generally faced with on a daily basis. It's worked pretty well for me so far and it actually made the day run a little smoother. I ignored the idiot who told me that she didn't agree with the map I sent to her and since she is now wearing the paper shorts like a jumper I don't feel so annoyed that someone as handicapped as her couldn't figure out a map. I'm still pretty positive and I think the day will end up okay :)

Other things that made my day extra good: I'm wearing an outfit that looks good and makes me feel good and is, as the people in Banana land would say, "right on trend". I feel pretty in other words. Plus, one of my favorite patients was in today for his 2nd ultrasound follow up. He and his partner both complimented my hair last week when they were in and this week he brought me samples of some expensive shampoo from his salon. How nice is that? Plus, while I was on break I was reading through my Pocket Muse and found an idea that would be perfect for my blog collection so I'm pretty psyched to get on top of that.

So, my favorite patient made me think back to all the strange things patient's have brought in for various people working in the office. Mostly it tends to be food products especially around the holiday season. Candies and homemade treats etc. But every once in a while we get some really off the wall crap from patients who think that we are now best buddies because we were nice to them. Our technician Ric received a potato bag from one woman, our other technician received a lamp painted like a snowman from another woman (and when I agreed that it was cute she insisted on bringing me one the following week), our nurse, Jackie, received meat roll ups that everyone was too afraid too try, but my favorite was the one that my former colleague Kate received from one of out patient's that was also trying to con her work place out of some workman's compensation. The patient brought a black pleather dress from Fredrick's of Hollywood for Kate because, "She thought she would like it". Creepy. Which continually makes me wonder what kind of a person thinks, "Hey, that receptionist looks like she would want a nice, (fill in the blank)" I guess, I've never thought that my doctor or anyone on my doctor's staff would want anything more than a friendly smile.... am I wrong in assuming this? Do you take odd objects to your doctor's or dentist's office? Am I being rude by not offering up my troll collection from my childhood to the people who make my appointment?

Somehow, I don't think so. Anyway, just a friendly reminder: Your receptionist does not want your stuff. I promise. Candy is okay. Samples of shampoo is really sweet especially if you are a hair stylists who has access to the really good stuff. But, really people, I don't need a lamp painted like a snowman with a sock on his head and Ric will be okay without the potato sack.

Thank you. Hopefully my next entry will be the new idea that my Pocket Muse gave me.