As it turns out the month of October was extremely busy for me. It started off with Nick and I returning to the grand town of Vermilion South Dakota for..... D Days!!! Woo hoo! So exciting. D Day (for those of you fortunate enough NOT to live in Vermilion) if SDU's Homecoming week. What it boils down to is a college town of several thousands students all getting wasted and stumbling around town. No worries of drunk driving because pretty much everything is within walking distance for you to stumble to.

Here is Ashley stumbling.
Most of the day we spent drinking at the apartment of my cousins Ashley and Spencer. We ate chili and chocolate/peanut butter cake (not necessarily in that order) and Ashley's dumb cat, Vic Mackey, cli

mbed inside my book bag to take a nap. He's a lazy piece of crap as you can see. We played drunken board games and took a walk around the neighborhood. Of course at that point half the crew had disappeared or passed out and we were left with only a few people who I like to call The Lasters.

Yep, that's right, I'm the only girl who can hold her liquor apparently. Shortly after this picture was taken even Nick was passed out on the loveseat. Dustin went home a little while after that leaving Spencer and me to reluctantly go to bed at well. Boo, to all you lazy drinkers.
So that was the weekend of October 13th and it was highly entertaining. I mean where else can you yell out "STD Days!" and actually get people to cheer?
A brief stop on Tuesday October 16th, Boss's Day, since I was the only person in my office to remember and buy cards and bagels for everyone. Yeah, I'm the good one.
I took three days off after that which gave me plenty of time to clean out the storage room in the basement and turn it into a makeshift bedroom for when Ashley, Spencer, Dustin and Erica came down that weekend for Hutch's big Halloween Bash. I also managed to make a lot of food those three days: cupcakes, cookies, chili cheese bean dip, lots of jello shots and my green mixture that would be my "Absinthe" at the party that weekend. I also managed to do some laundry and other boring stuff that would make me a good little house wife if I had a husband :D
So the big Halloween Bash comes next. Where I went as the Green Fairy aka the Absinthe Fairy, Nick went as Duffman, Kristi was a mechanic, Madonna was a nurse, and Hal..... well, no one
really knows what Hal was supposed to be, but eventually he gave in and

just accepted that everyone thought he was Willy Wonka from the newer version with Johnny Depp. My costume got plenty of praise, mostly because my 'absinthe' was a tasty concoction that everyone wanted a piece of. I got a lot of people wasted that night between my 'absinthe' and the jello shots. There was the usual drama that goes around every year and because Hutch is usually a huge asshole his skank was there. He promised she wouldn't come, but this is a Hutch promise which usually means little to nothing. I think she got the point that no one likes her when two people rang out simultaneously "The Skank?" when someone asked where she was.... she was, of course, within earshot when this happened. Plus I kept referring to her as "the wench" all night because she was so appropriately dressed as a wench. I guess you can't really argue with what you are.

We all had fun regardless of the drama and the Skank because we were all wasted and my cousins were in town and still willing to drink a little more when we got back to the townhouse later that evening.

Unfortunately they all wore exceedingly lame costumes which forced me to make fun of them throughout most of the night. I passed out really quick that night and still managed to wake up with the glue like glitter plastered to my face. That stuff took at least two showers to get off. I was pretty impressed.
The following and last weekend of the this fine month just so happened to be the busiest weekend of the month. Friday started off with an early departure from work to get to a wedding in Lincoln. I didn't take my camera in, but Nick got a bunch of pictures. I had somehow obtained a hole in the side of my cheek the day before making me completely miserable. Every time I opened my mouth it hurt, chewing food was painful and bordered on impossible and the pain was spreading throughout my mouth and onto my head. It didn't matter how much Advil I took I was miserable. I went back to the hotel (which was pretty cool since it was in an Embassy Suites) and went to bed with the TV on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It was a pretty pathetic night and not much better of a morning the next day. Nick was being the best boyfriend in the world about my whining and crying and after watching the truly fantastic movie Across the Universe we went to Walgreens to get something to fix my problem.
That evening we had another party to go to at Madonna's brother's house (another yearly tradition). By this time my cheek had been sufficiently numbed up and I was in a much better mood. I was lame and wore the same costume because I had put so much effort into it, but Nick went as White Goodman and Kristi was a blue fairy. Madonna and her siblings all dressed up as musicians which ranged from Beethoven to Michael Jackson to Dolly Parton.

The party didn't quite manage to live up to the Drama of a Hutch party, but it still managed to be entertaining and fun. Nick got a lot of comments on his costume which was nice for him since he took so much effort on it (you know asking his mom to sew all the pieces together). :D And yes he really did shave his facial hair to look like White Goodman's handlebar 'stach. Sad.

Sunday was the 28th and my mother's birthday. We had already decided earlier in the week that we would be unable to go out on her actual birthday due to the fact that I was going with Nick and Kristi to see Carlos Mencia who was in Omaha for the first time.
He liked our crowd so much he stayed on the stage for two hours! That's pretty awesome considering most comedians can barely come up with a hours worth of entertainment. The comedians that were with him were all fantastic too and I think at least a couple of them will soon be doing shows of their own. Fantastic. No pictures though. No one brought their camera.
On Halloween Day I had to work. Duh, it was Wednesday, obviously. That did
n't stop me from dressing up. I went Emo for Halloween! Of course no one actually got that because the Emo revolution hasn't been around as long. I explained to a couple staff members that emo kids are pretty much our goth kids of old with a slightly better fashion sense. Except they apparently really enjoy having their hair in their eyes because they don't want to see the horrible-ness of the world. Don't cry emo kid!
So that was my fantastic October. And for the first time real pictures in my Blogger. Yeah, I had that one flip off picture several months back, but that doesn't count because I just found that picture on Photobucket especially for that blog. Well, let's hope that November has something to offer us that can try to match up with October :)