Dear _____________,
In response to your comment(s) I have a few things to say. No, I did not recieve and "For Dummies" books and once again I must inquire, why do you read blogs of people you don't like? And why do you try to leave annoymous comments. Own up to them. It's kind of sad and pathetic that you feel the need hide what and who you are. And yes, even though your comments don't post I still get them sent to my e-mail account.
As to my other commenter (and I hope you're not one in the same) I do have a half assed apology to give you. My last blog was not complete and it was nothing more than a rant about the holidays. It was not a dig at you or your boyfriend or any gifts I received. I appreciated all the gifts I received especially from you. When I say the blog was incomplete I meant specifically the part dealing with where you commented. Honestly, we knew they were from you and not him (I'm trying to leave names out of this so bare with me) and the only part we were joking about is if they really had come from him and not you. I don't want to return them and it was a poorly formed joke. I thought the fact that you guys sent anything at all was nice and thoughtful. I'm sorry you couldn't have been there. I could have told you a story about why I found it so funny. I won't write it here because I'm trying to leave this anonymous. I wish you would have left me a way to contact you instead of having to blog again. I hope you keep reading my blog because if you don't you will never get this apology. Not that I apologize for writing my blog the way I want.... I have my blog to rant about stuff when it bugs me. This holiday sucked for me and I wanted to let it out in a forum that wouldn't make all the people who love me think I am ungrateful. No one really reads my blog and its more of a journal than a well established blog. This is my place to be free if that offends you don't read it. I write what I feel and I'm not going to compromise my feelings to please people. Especially people I've only met twice before.
with regards,