Okay, so I lied. Apparently I will be making up for last month's lack of blogging and I will be putting up a few more blogs than normal. Not by any design of course, just because I have more to talk about than normal and very little to do while at work. So there it is.
I went up to Vermilion for St. Patrick's Day and realized something completely horrible. Downloading Joni Mitchell's entire discography was probably not the smartest thing I've done to my poor iPod. I'm the type of person that likes a random mix of my music at all times. I don't really listen to one artist for a significant period of time and nothing else. Since random in iPod land isn't really all that random I tend to stick with alphabetical order by song title. This gives me the most random order you can get from the iPod -- unless you've downloaded someone's discography who has been around since the 60s. Then its a really bad idea to have in alphabetical. After hearing 8 different versions of "Case of You" I got pissed off because I thought my iPod was repeating one song. Nope. Have about 12 live albums or greatest hits albums makes it that you have the same song repeated multiple times. I guess it's time to edit my iPod list and possibly delete some of the repeats.
My dad called not too long ago -- well that's not true. I called him. For his birthday. Anyway, he asked me two somewhat strange questions that I now feel the need to mention in blogland. First, he asked me about "that Delilah song" (Plain White T's for those of you who didn't turn on your radio for about two months at the end of last year/beginning of this year). I tell him it's by the Plain White T's and that I used to like it until I heard it four times in one day on the same radio station -- and since I rarely listen to the radio that means they played it about twenty other times that same day and I just didn't hear it. He mentions that he really likes the song and that he's wondering whether he would like their other music too. I casually reply that I'll look some of their music up on-line to see if he would like anything else they've done. I've come to the conclusion that he would, in fact, not like a single other song off that entire album. I'll burn him that song with some Joni Mitchell and call it a day.
The other odd thing he asked me about was (and I quote) "what's this yoga stuff all about?". Apparently, dad has been living in a cave for the past decade. I tell him the basics of yoga, blah blah, its an ancient practice that works on a person's strength, flexibility, and balance and helps with breathing and meditation techniques (and I'm basing this off of what my yoga instructor says not any actual research done on my part). I ask him why he wants to know and he mentions that there is a class at the Y and he was wondering if it would be good for him. I tell him its good for everyone, but that doesn't mean he's going to like it. So I tell him that I will give him a video that I started out on so he can try it before he pays for a class that he won't go to.
I forgot my nine year old sister's birthday. I'm special. I called her two days later and she didn't seem too pissed about it. I told her I'd give her a birthday gift when she gave me cookies. Yes, I'm holding her birthday present hostage until I get my GS cookies. Totally appropriate. Did I mention that I haven't actually gotten the gift yet and that they will be coming into town shortly to deliver cookies so it's more my unwillingness to pay for shipping when I know they will be up here than the fact that I'm actually holding a gift hostage.
The doctor has been out of the office for a little over two weeks now and I'm already dreading their return. Not because of the work, but because before they left our nurse was kind of being a great big bitch to me. I don't know if that is going to be the same when the return or if vacation time relaxed them and they were just stressed out about packing and flying and whatnot. Either way I'm hoping for the best, but kind of expecting the worst. Oh well, we will see next week.
Have a good day :P